Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vietnam and Montagnard

During the later weeks of the DMA class, I embarked on a project, to craft a short documentary about Thomas Eban (A Montagnard who fought with Americans during the Vietnam War, eventually moving to the United States). After making a visit to his home with several other students, we asked a series of questions and took a small tour of his property and farm.

The following film is the product and result of the conducted interviews.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Creativity Influence Ownership and Art in the Digital Era

The digital  era is normally described as only a very few things, or categories, such as internet, photographs, email, etc. But in reality is significantly larger, including all digital motion picture equipment, news casts, 3D animation, cell phones, laptops, computers, Ipods and Iphones, digital music files and videos, and much, more.

"New media commentators have frequently taken polar positions, pronouncing computer technologies either as revolutionary and heralding radical new paradigms as the emperors new clothes dressing the same old techniques and models"-Steve Dixon

As more contributions are made to the digital age, we experience several waves of creativity, influenced primarily for others around us. In Cinema, several independent filmmakers have made a living, a very successful one, relying completely off digital technology, and crafted their own unique style. Other, younger, and sometimes even more experienced filmmakers, become influenced by this and attempt to recreate or mimic. Occasionally they even craft their own visual style. 

There often is questions of ownership though. With the advances in digital technology, something can easily be posted on the internet, and then be ripped with in seconds and spread all over the world. Anything posted online is subject to go global and public. There are numerous issues with copy right infringement, and unfair use of others "digital property".

But there are so many positives. Digital technology has given us the ability to spread entertainment, talent, music and movies all over the world. People are able to give each other unique tutorials on "how to do" and what not. People are able to record themselves playing music, singing, or any other talented subject matter and post it to the world (which intern has exposed several unique talented people, launching their careers).

It has become easier for employers to hire (and occasionally decline) interviewees. Resumes, cover letters, digital interviews, letters of recommendation, can all be sent via one email digitally, saving companies a significant amount of money and time.

"But equally, it is acknowledged that in digital performance, the computer is commonly employed as an agent for the remediation of old and established artistic forms and strategies rather than as a means of originating authentically new performance processes and phenomena".

Monday, May 2, 2011

Is DMA Bad For Us?

"Worries about the control of information", "worries about who controls the authority to speak", "worries about the future of secrecy and privacy", "it seems to play such a key role in enabling information to leak, in allowing the authority to speak to become widespread".

As time progresses, and we construct further advances throughout the digital world, the question "Is digital media bad for us?" always tends to surface at some point. What benefits, and more importantly, what negatives are we left with as a result?

After continuous studies, there are major social-political worries,social-interpersonal issues, psychological, cognitive and emotional concerns, and behavioral practical worries.

There is a large fear that as the younger generations become  more dependent on the digital world, that they are loosing contact with the real world. Less and less make actual psychical contact, communicating by means only of texting, phones, digital mail and email, and social networks. Personal confrontations become something of the past, allowing fewer physical emotions and expressions to be transferred. 

Another fear is that of the vast and fast spread of news. With the ability to upload documents, news papers, documentaries, news casts, videos, or anything digital, news  and information, whether its true or not, spreads like wildfire. With in the first few minutes of being uploaded, millions of people view and comment their opinion on the matter. With this in mind, there is always that slight possibility that if something were to be posted wrong, or wrong info was given, that it may intern cause a global widespread panic. 

More and more people also have tended to become more "apathetic", and have a lack  of personality, staying glued to their computer screens, ipods, phones, and laptops all day. Checking the news, watching videos, listening to music,  reading a digital book. Digital technology, in my mind, has really destroyed many great things. its very rare to find someone who can actually sit outside and just listen to nature. Most universities or major businesses that have people sitting outside during the day, most likely have several digital devices with in their presence. Rather than just laying and watching the sky, having an intellectual conversation with a friend or someone new, reading an actual physical book with binding, or just eating casually and listening to nature rather than mp3's, is a very uncommon thing, and has seemingly made us more dependent on the digital things.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Remix Vid.

The future is the past, the present, and yet to come. Years ago, when the filmmakers of this modern era had been born, they looked to our present as the future. It is my opinion  that they took the political and social issues of their era and combined them with themes that they found interesting in order to craft overall films that have culturally impacted us. Rather than just saying that it is of traditional vs. contemporary, or old to new, the video more combines traditional home video footage shot on both super 8mm and 16mm film during the early 1960's, along with the recorded "Rice" speech by Kennedy. Near the end of the video, some major motion picture clips are introduced. The overall theme and subplot of the major films were mainly influenced by that of the social and political issues of the late 50's and 60's. A big topic of course being the moon and space travel. Their was a nation wide obsession with ufo's, aliens, and the moon during that era, which would come to have an overall huge impact on the filmmakers who grew up in that day and age. Their films, all well made, captured the eyes of the nation and managed to inspire many of us.